Pietro Roffi and Gianni Sciambarruto

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Pietro Roffi and Gianni Sciambarruto

Pietro Roffi (accordeon)

His repertoire ranges from classical to tango, from his own compositions to film music. He has also recently recorded the soundtrack of “Pinocchio” (by Matteo Garrone, with Roberto Benigni) and won the Orpheus Award for the best Italian accordion record with his first solo album.

Gianni Sciambarruto (guitar)

Gianni Sciambarruto began playing the guitar at the tender age of six. The academic course allowed him to deepen his technique and classical repertoire, in 2015 he founded ‘Yarákä’, an acoustic project oriented towards contaminating Mediterranean sounds with Afro-Brazilian ones.

Lounge bar
November 26, 2023
6 pm
Schermata 2023-11-09 alle 15.20.39
Schermata 2023-11-09 alle 15.21.55