Chef in Residence

An immersive program with award-winning Chefs Missy Robbins and Nancy Silverton.

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A rare opportunity to experience the beauty and flavors of Tuscany alongside some of the world’s best chefs.

The immersive five-night program features chef-led dinners, intimate cooking demos, private epicurean excursions, and more.
The residency opens with a cocktail hour at the Lounge Bar, followed by a welcome dinner hosted by Monteverdi’s culinary team to welcome guests and Chefs Robbins and Silverton. Over the course of the experience, guests will accompany the chefs on private tours and excursions including truffle foraging, a visit to a family-owned sheep farm specializing in pecorino cheese and a Tuscan grain mill for an olive oil tasting and lunch. The experience also includes a wine tasting, chef-led cooking demonstrations and time for guests to unwind, relax, and enjoy the stunning views from the hilltop property.

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September 24 - 29, 2024
Starting at €9.000 for single occupancy and €12.000 for double occupancy